With many years of field experience much published as freelance with key national and international newpapers, collaborations with agencies (national and international) and with rugby federations like FIR (Federazione Italiana Rugby) and UAR (Union Argentina Rugby).
Since 2010 in association with my collegue Matteo Ciambelli for Inpho, official agency of URC championship (once Magners League/PRO14) follow and manage the photographic side for Italy.
Still through Inpho official photographer for Six nations tournament.
Team photographer for Italy, Argentina and Ireland rugby national teams.
Previously official photographer for Rugby Roma and Rugby Lazio clubs. Developed and published on CFP edition the rugby related multimedia iBooks "La Maglia e l'Ovale" and "La maglia e l'ovale 2" this last one used by Apple as example to show the iBooks potentially. In 2015 nominated for the AIPS sport media pearl awards, from 2014 involved in the Blullow team (Sport crime fiction).
Short list of Collaborations/Clients
La Gazzetta dello Sport, Il Messaggero, Il Corriere della
Sera, The Times (UK), The Guardian, Daily Mail, L'Equipe,
Il Corriere dello Sport, Rugby!, La Meta, Irish Times,Rugby World Magazine
Peroni, Campari group, Cariparma, EdilKamin, Peugeot Veicoli
Commerciali, Mitre, Buonitalia, Master Cup, Huawei, A+ Refans,
Gruppo Abbondanza, Bridgestone.
Inpho (agency)
FIR (Federazione Italiana Rugby)
FIDAL (Federazione Italiana Atletica Leggera)
UAR (Union Argentina Rugby)
World Athletics
World Rugby (IRB)
European Athletics
Six Nations Ltd
ERC (European Rugby Cup now EPCR)
Italy Rugby (national team)
Rugby Roma Team (official photog. 2008-2011)
Rugby Lazio Team (official photog. 2011-2015)
ANSA, Rex Features (agencies)
Member of :
AIPS, Ordine dei Giornalisti (national press association),
NPS (Nikon Professional Service)